
Defensive by J.D. Rivera Read Free Book Online

Book: Defensive by J.D. Rivera Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.D. Rivera
Tags: Romance
late and I know you have to get up early for work.”
    “Um, yeah. Bed sounds good,” she said in a way that sounded like something was bothering her. I knew it was wrong for me to pry when I had something huge to tell her, but I needed to know she was okay.
    “Babe, are you okay? Please tell me if something is wrong.”
    She grabbed my hand and started pulling me toward the bed. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m just really tired.”
    “Okay.” I kissed her head then started turning back the sheets. I laid down and she immediately followed, positioning herself against me, draping one leg over mine.
    “I wish you didn’t have so many away games,” she said. “I sleep so much better with you.”
    “Me, too,” I said as I angled her chin so I could give her a kiss. She immediately moaned and gave my tongue full access to her mouth. I needed to stop this and tell her about the baby but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I had missed her too much to stop. Without thinking, I pulled her body on top of mine and ran my hand over her back.
    “I missed you so much.”
    “I’ve missed you, too, but let’s not talk right now,” she said in an almost demanding tone. She deepened the kiss while her hands roamed all over my chest. I rolled us over and kissed her harder. I wanted her to know how I felt about her so, when I found the courage to tell her about the baby, she would have no doubts about us.
    The next morning came quickly with Vanessa’s alarm clock buzzing. I pulled her closer, not wanting to let go of her.
    “I have to get up. I don’t want to be late,” she said.
    “Fine,” I said before nuzzling her neck. “I guess I’ll let you go to work but I want to see you as soon as you get off work.”
    “Okay,” she agreed before getting out of bed. I watched her walk into the bathroom before I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep.

    After I woke up, I called Ray to see if he would meet me for lunch. Of course, in typical Ray fashion he proposed meeting at Hooters, but I suggested a local diner instead. Nothing wrong with Hooters but I wasn’t in the mood for someone to see me there.
    “Hooters would have been so much better,” Ray said as he slid into the booth.
    “Oh, come on, I bet Roxanne over there could give any girl at Hooters a run for her money.”
    He looked over, eyeing the older lady rolling up silverware before turning back to me. “You might be right. How the hell do you know her name? You into cougars?”
    I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “You know me. I like ‘em wrinkly.” I lifted my water glass. “Dumbass, I’ve been waiting on you and she gave me my drink.”
    “I saw the game. You played okay but you looked off. What’s up?” he asked.
    I thought I’d played all right but if Ray could tell, then I must not have played well at all. Either way, I wasn’t in the mood to tell him my problems. “Just an off night.”
    “Yeah, I guess those happen. You wanna go out tonight and pick up a couple of girls?”
    I snorted. “First, no. I’m sure you haven’t forgotten about my girlfriend, Vanessa. Second, are you still in high school?”
    “What’s that mean?” he asked.
    “Pick up a couple of girls? You’re almost thirty.”
    “Just because you’ve chosen to become an old attached man doesn’t mean that I have to. I’m still plenty young and I intend to have some fun while I still can.”
    “Your life.” I told him before Roxanne came to the table and we placed our orders.
    “What’s up with you, man?” he asked again. “If I’d known you’d be in such a pissy mood, I wouldn’t have agreed to lunch.”
    I sighed and rubbed my eyes. “Just have a lot on my mind.”
    “Like what? What position to try tonight?”
    I laughed again. Ray was good at making me laugh. “You’re such a dumbass. I have real life things going on. Things that could destroy my relationship with Vanessa.”
    “You cheat, man? We’ve all been there.”
    “No, I didn’t cheat. I

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