Fight With Me (Fight and Fall)

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Book: Fight With Me (Fight and Fall) by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
spit at him. “You’re married for fuck’s sake and I was the other woman. Never in a million years did I think that I would be in this position. My God, you fucking make me sick!” I yell.
    He flinches, his body recoiling from my harsh words. I see his walls come up, his eyes darkening once again.
    “You were right all along,” I say looking at him.
    He looks at me intently, hurt and puzzled by my comment.
    “You were right when you said that my opinion of you would change when I found out all your secrets. I hate you. I fucking hate you with every fiber of my being. You’re not half the man I thought you were,” I say, twisting the knife in deeper.
    I truly hate this man. Hate him for the way he makes me feel. Hate him for still loving him.
    “My husband was though and you sure as hell aren’t in the same league as him. You’re nothing, Aiden. You could never be Jeremiah,” I say, my voice finally breaking.
    I don’t think I’ve ever said anything so vicious. I’m trying to open a wound, make him bleed. I have a feeling that I’ve succeeded.
    He looks down at me, eyes blazing. He shoves me back up against the brick wall, pinning my wrists with his hands, squeezing my flesh.
    “You’re right. Every thing you just said was true. I’m a not a whole man. I never will be. But you know what? I don’t give a fuck, because I’m man enough for you , Emma. You need me, just like I need you. You may hate me and fight me but I don’t care. I’ll love you enough for the both of us,” he says severely.
    “You want to know why I love you? Because here,” he says, removing one of his hands from my wrist and placing it against my rapidly beating heart, “right here we are the same. You think I don’t know you? Everything I need to know is right here, beating, and pumping life into me. I’ve never felt this way about anyone or anything. When I first laid eyes on you, I knew you could heal me, break me, with just the snap of your fingers. And you have.”
    “ Hit me, curse me, anything to show me you detest me. Anything you need to do to feel better…I can take it. But promise me, whatever you do, don’t give up on us. It might not be our time right now but it will be. If you run or push me away I’ll just find you, Emma, you know I will. And when I do, you’ll be wearing my ring on your finger and my child will be growing inside of you.”
    I suck in a harsh breath, trying to come to terms with what I just heard him say. I swallow deeply while his eyes penetrate mine, waiting for a response. I try to recover, my slack jaw now functioning properly. I would melt at his words if they meant shit to me. Jessica floats to the front of my brain, killing any second thoughts about my hatred for him.
    “Won’t that be kind of difficult to have two wives? You do recall that polygamy is illegal? Besides, you’re forgetting that I’ve moved on. Lucas can give me what I need,” I bite off.
    Shit, I know I’m baiting him by trying to make him jealous but I can’t help it. His last comment about marriage and children hit me right in the gut. He obviously doesn’t believe in the severity of marriage like I do. Otherwise he wouldn’t be throwing around proposals of marriage like they were nothing. They’re not just words to me. They mean something special.
    Hi s eyes turn to slits, practically burning me alive.
    “I can make you love me or just love you enough for the both of us. You’re choice, Emma. I will do whatever it takes to have you. Just don’t let Lucas touch you again . I’ll fight for you but if you fuck him, I might not be so forgiving. Don’t push me too far. You won’t like the consequences and I sure as hell won’t like the man I’ll become,” he warns me.
    “How dare you threaten me ?! I can do whatever and whoever I fucking want to. Are you that delusional that you think that what I have for you could ever be love? Lucas is young and more than willing and I think I’ll have a lot a fun

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