Fight With Me (Fight and Fall)

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Book: Fight With Me (Fight and Fall) by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
teaching him things. That is, if I haven’t already started my lessons,” I say nastily.
    “You’re asking for it , aren’t you? You may have my heart but you don’t have my balls, Emma. You want to dish shit out, then do it. Just don’t think I’ll just stand here while you rip my heart out. Lucas might have to pay for your bad decisions. Would a broken jaw still be attractive to you? Don’t forget that I know what you like, Emma. There’s not a much he can do with a broken jaw,” he says condescendingly.
    “And I know for a fact that you two haven’t fucked. You may have kissed, which is never going to happen again, but he hasn’t been inside of you. Do want to know how I know this? Because I would feel it in my entire body. I would feel you slipping away from me and I wouldn’t be able to breathe anymore,” he says, his voice shaking.
    “What about you then? You can have a wife and fuck her but when it comes to me, I can’t do the same thing? Get off your fucking high horse and stop being a hypocrite!” I snarl, pushing him away from me.
    He doesn’t seem shocked by my outburst. His stance is determined as he straightens himself.
    “You’re going to feel really foolish when you find out why I brought you out here. It wasn’t my intention to practically assault you against the wall but you drove me to it. I saw you kissing Lucas and I snapped. I’m sorry for hurting you but at the same time, I’m not,” he says, rubbing his neck tensely.
    “You think you know all my secrets? Well, not even close, honey. What I’m about to tell you is the truth and I swear it on my mother’s grave. If you look into my heart, you’ll realize that you can trust me, Emma.”
    I jerkily shake my head back and forth, still angry but very curious about what he could possibly tell me.
    “I haven’t seen Jessica in two years and I haven’t fucked her in just as long. Yeah, we are still technically married but in name only. I was so fucked up after my car accident that I didn’t bother getting a divorce. It’s like staying married reminded me of how cruel women can be. I never expected or even wanted to be with someone again, let alone fall in love. I never knew what love was until you,” he says, squeezing my heart with his stare.
    “She signed a pre- nup before we got married and then after she left, she contacted my lawyer saying that she wanted a monthly allowance. Told me that if I didn’t give it to her, she would tell everybody about my hand. I agreed, to my lawyers warnings, and began giving her a generous monthly sum. I just knew that what I had been giving her these past two years wouldn’t be enough,” he says, rubbing his hands across his face roughly.
    I look at him, believing every word but still wary of where this is going. Why did she all of sudden show up in Astoria and why did he let her ruin his life again? Something’s not right here.
    “A few days ago, I talked to my lawyer and said that I wanted to start divorce proceedings. I was never going to tell you because I knew you would leave me. I wanted to fully sever things with her so I could be with you. I guess I thought that I would deal with the consequences later. I knew she would freak out and bash me to the tabloids, and I realized that I could handle that. All my secrets…they’re not worth keeping if I can’t have you,” he says.
    “Yesterday, right after I got home from dropping you off from work, she showed up at the house. She shocked the hell out of me because it was more than a little unexpected. I remember looking at her on my doorstep in disgust, trying to figure out why the hell I ever married her,” he snorts. “Then I recalled being a drunken addict, being fucked out of my mind half the time and finally understood her appeal.”
    “I told her to fuck off and that I was getting a divorce and nothing she would say could change my mind. I didn’t tell her about you Emma, I swear. I have no idea why she wanted to go to

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