intruder had entered through just minutes
"Holy crud, Cosmos! You scared the shit out
of me!" Hannah gasped out.
Cosmos took in the scene in front of him.
Hannah was sitting on the floor barely covered in the robe he
bought Tink last Christmas clutching one of Tink's favorite frying
pans in her hand. Next to her was a huge, unconscious male. Cosmos
felt his stomach sink as he took in the man's features. If he
wasn't mistaken, the aliens were back. He let his gaze wander over
the still figure frowning as he took in the odd way the man was
laying with his back bowed up and his hands underneath him. As his
gaze moved down, he couldn't quite hold back the small smile
tugging at the corner of his lips as he noticed how Hannah had tied
the poor guy up. From the guy's knees to his ankles he had enough
tie straps connected around him to hold a team of mules back. His
eyes flickered to the empty tie bag lying on the floor next to the
"Christ, Hannah. Do you think you used enough
tie straps on him?" Cosmos said shaking his head.
The figure on the floor suddenly sat up next
to Hannah with a loud growl. Hannah squealed, startled at the
sudden movement of the man beside her and the deep growl. Without
thinking, she swung the frying pan again clobbering the man across
the forehead. Both Hannah and Cosmos watched as the man's eyes
crossed for just a second before he fell backwards with a hard
thump to the floor.
"Shit! You didn't kill him, did you?" Cosmos
said rushing forward to where the man was out cold again.
Hannah was trembling as she scooted back
across the floor and away from the man. "I...I hope not. I didn't
mean to hit him again. He...he startled me." Hannah whispered
wide-eyed as Cosmos felt the man's throat and lifted up one of his
"Do you know him, Cosmos?" Hannah whispered
softly staring at the man's chest and breathing easier as she saw
it rising and falling.
"I haven't seen him but I
would bet all the equipment in my lab he is one of them ." Cosmos was saying
as he stood up to get a pair of scissors to cut the tie
"Yes, dear. He is one of them." RITA's voice
came over the speaker system installed throughout the warehouse.
"Boy, Hannah. You sure did a number on his head, not to mention
Tink's favorite frying pan."
Hannah looked at the frying pan in confusion
then at Cosmos. “I have video surveillance throughout the
warehouse, remember?” Cosmos said as he knelt down next to the
still figure on the floor and began cutting the tie straps off of
his legs.
Hannah nodded and bit her lip before saying
tentatively. “Do you think you should be cutting all of those
Cosmos looked at Hannah before glancing back
down at the huge male figure on the floor. A big discolored lump
was forming on his forehead. Cosmos let his gaze flicker to the
frying pan Hannah was still clutching tightly against her chest.
From the dents in it, he personally didn’t think the guy was going
to be up to moving much less attacking anyone.
“ We’ll be alright.” Cosmos said with a
barely suppressed chuckle. Cosmos couldn’t help but feel a little
sorry for the aliens who were just beginning to encounter a taste
of the Bell family.
Chapter 4
Borj groaned silently as he
slowly came awake. His head was throbbing on both the front and
back side. He didn’t know who hit him but whoever did was a dead
man. Borj could hear a male voice talking quietly in the
background. He moved one of his hands slightly and realized whoever
attacked him no longer had him restrained. That would be their fatal error, Borj
thought with a grimace as another sharp stab of pain flashed
through him when he moved slightly. Because someone was going to pay for the pain he was
Borj forced himself to remain totally still
as he listened to the male’s voice getting closer. He didn’t react
until he felt the warmth from the other body leaning over him.
Moving rapidly, Borj’s eyes flew open and he grabbed the large