around his throat swinging his body around at the same time so the
male was now the one lying on the floor and he was on top of
Borj ignored the man’s yell of surprise and
his choked curses. He was about to knock the man out when a sense
of warning forced him to roll off the man and duck under the metal
object coming towards his head. Borj was on his feet immediately
and was gripping the arms of his other attacker before it dawned on
him it was the image of the female he was seeking. His breath
caught in his throat as he gazed down into her beautiful, dark
green eyes. He was about to speak when all the air left him in a
loud gush as pain exploded out of him and he dropped to his knees
with a painful groan.
Hannah stared down at the man kneeling on the
floor in front of her, his forehead lying against the cold wood.
She was in the process of raising the dented frying pan above her
head to bring it back down over the back of his head again when it
was jerked out of her hands.
“ You…” Cosmos said with a sympathetic
look to where Borj was rocking back and forth on the floor. “…are
Hannah looked at Cosmos in disbelief. “ME!”
She screeched loudly. “He was trying to strangle you and…”
A low moan from the floor made both of them
stop and look at the man who was now kneeling with his head thrown
back towards the ceiling and his eyes closed. He was holding his
groin protectively. “Please…for the sake of all the gods and
goddesses of my world…please speak softly.” He whispered
Borj let his eyes open slowly. Never in his
life had he suffered so much from the hands of one so little. He
let his gaze moved from the top of Hannah’s disheveled hair, down
her body covered in a tiny black cloth, to her bare toes. As his
gaze moved up he was amazed his cock could respond considering how
much it and his balls were throbbing at the moment. When he grabbed
Hannah’s wrists to prevent her from striking him again with…his
gaze flickered to the dented frying pan hanging limply from the
male’s hand…the cooking device, he did not expect her to react so
quickly with her knee. Now, he didn’t know which hurt worst: his
head, his groin, or his ego. In the space of a few minutes, his
tiny female had brought a Prime warrior to his knees three
“ Oh, you poor dear, are you alright?”
RITA’s voice came over the speaker system sounding surprising like
a very sympathetic Tilly Bell. “Hannah, I think the poor man could
use a couple of bags of ice for his boo-boos.”
Hannah rolled her eyes as she looked at
Cosmos. “Did you understand a word he just said?” Hannah asked
putting one hand on her hip.
Both men’s eyes moved to Hannah as the little
black robe rose another notch exposing more of her creamy thigh.
Borj growled low as he painfully got to his feet. His eyes swung
around to glare a warning at Cosmos to redirect his eyes to another
Cosmos cleared his throat before smiling. It
would seem this alien was staking a claim on Hannah, if he was
reading the signals correctly. If that was the case, more power to
him. Cosmos knew about Hannah’s history and her adamant distrust of
other humans, especially men. He also knew she was extremely
opinionated and independent. While you could negotiate and
compromise with Tink, Hannah wasn’t as easy. She barely tolerated
being around humans preferring to be around the four legged types
of animals or wide open spaces.
“ Yes. I think his head and…” Cosmos
tried to keep the grin off his face but must not have been very
successful from the glare the man sent him. “…and a few other
things are hurting right now. He asked us if we could keep it down
a little.”
Hannah frowned at the man standing looking at
her with a combination of leeriness and something else she couldn’t
decipher. “O..’kay…” Hannah drew out as she released the breath she
didn’t know she was holding. “Who is he? Does he know