Only Pretend

Only Pretend by Nora Flite Read Free Book Online

Book: Only Pretend by Nora Flite Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nora Flite
be fast.
    The buckles came off, freeing both feet from the forced arches. I finally had stability; with it came confidence and silence. The weight of the shoe felt wonderful in my hand. Hit him high, aim for the head. I stepped softly around the curtain. Then I need to run out of here, find an exit, find help.
    My lungs burned. I couldn't risk breathing. One hit, one good fucking hit. It was all I needed.
    The corner of his dark vision fell on me as I swung. Had I given myself away, screamed without realizing? Once, I'd read animals could smell adrenaline.
    Leonide had smelled me. He was a beast for certain.
    Gripping my forearm, he crushed me until I dropped the shoe. Yes, I was shouting, but from pain... not desperation. "You stupid bitch," he said, not sounding exasperated or shocked. Calm as ever, he pushed me to the floor. Breath fled me, his weight settling onto my chest. One of my arms was under me, twisted and making me cry. "Shut up. This is your own fault."
    Metal 'clicked' loudly. He'd cuffed me again; not my wrists, my ankles. Feebly I kicked, unable to move my legs in a useful way. Kneeing him in the back just shoved him down on me harder, forced me to wheeze for oxygen.
    He adjusted me, pressed my wrists down to the floor at my hips. There was nothing but a whisper between us, his lips pursed like he was ready to kiss me. Such a gorgeous face; why would an awful man be gifted like that? "Celeste, calm down. That's an order. Do you understand what an order is?"
    Nodding my chin, I met his stare and went limp. On cue, he lifted himself enough so I could draw air. It was wonderful, tasting so good in my throat.
    "I thought you'd behave better today." He dug his nails into my skin, watched me flinch. "I don't like to be mistaken." He shot a glance to the bed. I followed, saw the fallen heel where it lay. "Honestly, Celeste. Did you think attacking me was a good idea?"
    I inhaled through my nose. "Yes."
    His smile fell, cold ambivalence replacing everything. Leonide sized me up, seeing something different than he had before. He'd evaluated me as easy , someone he could manipulate into obeying without effort.
    Old Celeste was weak. She would have sobbed and whimpered out of the gate.
    Against my neck, my golden hair tickled me.
    Even if it was playing pretend... I needed whatever would give me strength.
    "Aren't you full of surprises," he said. Swooping like a hawk, he nuzzled the side of my throat. His scent—that musky net woven from forests and ocean waves—ensnared me. It was tantalizing, promising me many lovely things if I just let myself swim away in it.
    Cupping my cheek, he peered into my eyes. Leonide read the song that was painted across my face in the form of parted lips and pink cheeks. "Ah," he said around his crescent-smile, "there you are. There's the girl I was looking for."
    I wrenched my head away; the damage was done. Standing, he let me go and gave my hip a quick kick with the toe of his polished shoe. "Get up. We have work to do."
    With great care, I shuffled upwards. The cuffs kept my feet a hands-width apart, forced me to take tiny steps. There would be no running to freedom in these. "What kind of work?"
    "Your training must begin." He held my wrist and tugged me close. I could see the perfectly groomed hairs along his jaw. "I've already had inquiries about you, lovely girl."
    Inquiries. My heart filled my throat. Oh god, people who want to marry—no, call it what it is—buy me! It was a chilling reminder of my situation.
    "Don't look so shocked. A girl like you, well. I imagine you must catch many an eye normally." Wrinkling my nose, I looked away. His fingers, pinching the tender skin inside my wrist, pulled me back with a screech. "Listen to me. Listen very closely. If you have people showing interest now, you will have a groom soon enough. That means we must start right away with the basics, yes?"
    No. The answer is no. Grimacing at his wicked touch, I nodded helplessly.

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