Red Hood's Revenge

Red Hood's Revenge by Jim C. Hines Read Free Book Online

Book: Red Hood's Revenge by Jim C. Hines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jim C. Hines
asked, falling back on familiar teasing to hide her discomfort.
    “Sorry. The kind of songs you like never sound as good sober.”
    Snow settled her body, leaning her head on Talia’s shoulder. What was she worried about? Whatever feelings Talia might have for Snow, Talia was also the last person who would ever take advantage of someone in their sleep. Or awake, for that matter. Snow had known priests who flirted more than Talia.
    “You smell like oil,” Snow whispered.
    “From the knives. Go to sleep.”
    Snow closed her eyes. “Wake me when it’s time to kill Red Riding Hood.”


    S NOW DIDN’T EXPECT TO GET MUCH SLEEP, but between the rhythm of the horse’s hooves and the warmth of Talia’s body, she drifted off almost immediately. Talia woke her twice during the night to switch mounts.
    The third time she woke, they were coming up on a small farmhouse. Snow’s head lay in the crook of Talia’s neck, and Talia’s arm circled Snow’s waist, holding her in place. The skies were dark, but only for two or three hours longer, judging from the position of the moon.
    Ambassador Trittibar had crawled from her pouch at some point during the night. He now sat comfortably between the horse’s ears, his arms twined in the mane for support.
    Snow grimaced and spat. Bits of willow bark crusted her lips. She wiped her mouth on the corner of her cloak.
    “I made you spit that stuff out last night,” Talia said. “I was afraid you’d choke.”
    “Thank you.” She sat up and tried to rub the stiffness from her neck. Her head felt better, but she needed a real night’s sleep before she’d be fully recovered. She touched her choker, whispering a quick spell to try to locate Roudette.
    “Anything?” asked Trittibar.
    Snow shook her head. “It’s that cape of hers again. I was lucky to see anything at all yesterday. Who wears such a garish thing, anyway?”
    Talia jumped down. “Eastpointe is just ahead, which means Stone Grove should be west of here. We’ll have a better chance of catching Roudette off guard if we go on foot. Try to see Charlotte while I talk to these people about watching the horses.”
    Snow gripped the saddle with both hands and lowered herself to the ground. Spying on Charlotte would have to wait for more urgent matters. Leaving Trittibar to watch the horses, she disappeared into the woods. Much as she enjoyed these outings for the queen, there were times she preferred to stay at the castle where she could enjoy cooked meals, a real bed, and most importantly, a proper privy.
    By the time Talia returned, Snow was digging through the saddlebags for something to eat. She grinned when she saw what Talia had packed. “You remembered!”
    “Always,” Talia said.
    Snow pulled out the small basket and yanked back the top. Her mouth watered at the smell of finely ground figs, saffron, and a touch of nadif spice, all fried in dough and glazed with caramel. She pulled off a few crumbs for Trittibar, then took an enormous bite for herself.
    “Charlotte?” Talia asked.
    “Sleeping, as far as I can tell,” Snow said around a mouthful of food. “Roudette’s cape shields Charlotte, but the toe gives me enough of a connection to pierce the smoke. That interference means they’re still together. Did you bring anything to drink?”
    Talia was already transferring some of their belongings to her person. She grabbed a small leather bottle, took a drink then handed it to Snow.
    “How can you drink this stuff?” Snow’s nose wrinkled at the burned, bitter smell of cold coffee. She gulped it down, rinsing her mouth the best she could. If nothing else, the coffee helped shove the last of the fatigue from her mind.
    She tossed the bottle back to Talia. Gripping one of the smaller mirrors on her choker, she whispered a command. Gold wire unwound from the glass, releasing the mirror into her hand. The edge was rimmed in gold leaf, protecting her fingers from the sharp edges.
    “What are you

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