The Harbinger
the beer halls of Weimar Germany…to the barren caves of Afghanistan…from Sennacherib to Osama bin Laden…it all goes back to ancient Assyria. The Assyrians are the fathers of terrorism, and those who mercilessly plotted out the calamity on 9/11 were their spiritual children, another link in the mystery joining America to ancient Israel. In both cases, the warning began with a manifestation of terrorism.”
    “Did the 9/11 terrorists see themselves as modern-day Assyrians?”
    “It doesn’t matter,” said the prophet. “That’s what they were. Remember the prophecy against Assyria: ‘ It is in his heart to destroy .’”
    “Osama bin Laden.”
    “‘ And cut off not a few nations .’”
    “That was his intention.”
    “But God would judge the Assyrians and their king.”
    “Then all those responsible for 9/11 are under His judgment?”
    “‘ I will punish the fruit of the arrogant heart of the king of Assyria ,’” said the prophet. “Yes, they are under His judgment. And the Lord will send leanness or devastation among his warriors.”
    “So the Assyrians are the spiritual fathers of al Qaeda.”
    “Yes, and not only the spiritual,” he replied.
    “And what does that mean?”
    “The Assyrians were children of the Middle East, so too the terrorists of 9/11. The Assyrians were a Semitic people, so too the terrorists. The Assyrians spoke a language called Akkadian . The tongue is long extinct, but there is still spoken in the modern world one language considered to be the closest of all tongues to ancient Akkadian.”
    “Which is…?”
    “Arabic—the tongue of al Qaeda and the 9/11 terrorists.”
    “Yes, and so when the leaders of al Qaeda plotted their attack on America, and as the terrorists communicated with each other on 9/11 to carry it out, they did so using words and speech patterns that mirrored those used by the Assyrian leaders and warriors as they planned and executed their attack on Israel two and half thousand years earlier in 732 B.C. ”
    “Like an ancient drama replaying itself in the modern world.”
    He didn’t reply. We continued walking along the stone reliefs. It was strange. As I stared up at the ancient stone figures, I began to feel a sense of loathing toward them on one hand and some kind of dread on the other.
    “The Assyrian invasion,” said the prophet, “would ultimately draw ancient Israel into military conflict, war, and a final and tragic national drama. So too the attack of 9/11 would draw America into military conflict—a global battle against terrorism, encompassing a war in Afghanistan and another in Iraq. In the first war, the connection to 9/11 was clear. But in the second, it was not so clear. And yet there was a connection, but of a more mystical nature.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “In April 2003, American soldiers would enter the Iraqi city of Mosul. Mosul would become one of America’s major operational bases in the Iraqi war. Inside the city, near the junction of the Tigris and Khosr Rivers, there rest two mounds of earth. One is called Kouyunjik , the other Nabi Yunus . Hidden inside these mounds are the ruins of a once great civilization. The ruins are all that’s left of the ancient city called Nineveh . Nineveh was the capital, the final resting place, and the graveyard of the Assyrian Empire.”
    “Assyria is Iraq ?”
    “It’s the same land.”
    “The nation under judgment…is drawn into conflict with the land of Assyria…ancient Israel…now America.”
    “And American troops were now walking the same earth on which the feet of Assyrian soldiers had once marched. And among those watching them pass by were those who could still claim to be the descendants of the ancient Assyrians.”
    “Their actual flesh-and-blood descendants?” I asked.
    “Yes,” he replied. “And who knows but that the veins of the 9/11 terrorists did not also flow with the blood of the ancient Assyrians?”
    “So ancient Israel, in its

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