Vexing the Viscount

Vexing the Viscount by Christie Kelley Read Free Book Online

Book: Vexing the Viscount by Christie Kelley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christie Kelley
might be an acquaintance, but it was Jonathon this woman was most interested in. “I have not seen him for a few weeks, since he left the estate.”
    Lady Eldridge’s shoulders sagged as a crestfallen look swept across her face. “I see.”
    â€œMy lady, you look dreadfully pale. Perhaps you should return to your home now.”
    â€œI would prefer speaking with you.” Lady Eldridge picked up her silk fan and resumed fanning herself. She stopped for a moment and held her stomach.
    â€œMy lady, please let me help you home. I can make up some peppermint tea that will help with the nausea.”
    The woman’s hazel eyes widened. “To what are you referring? I am having no such ills.”
    Tia’s lips twitched. So, the lady didn’t want anyone to know she was with child yet. She rose from her seat, knowing that Lady Eldridge was about to stop her. “If you say so, then I should return to Lord Middleton’s home now. Good day.”
    Lady Eldridge moaned softly. “Can you really help me?”
    â€œYes, I can but only if you are truthful with me about all your symptoms.” Tia held out her hand to assist the young woman. “Shall we return to your home?”
    â€œOh, please.” Lady Eldridge tightly clasped her hand around Tia’s.
    The footman immediately rose and strode toward them. “My lady, might I be of assistance?”
    â€œBring the carriage around to us.”
    â€œB—but I mustn’t leave you alone,” he stammered. “Lord Eldridge will have my head if something befalls you.”
    â€œMiss Featherstone will be my companion while you summon the carriage. She will also accompany me back to the house.”
    The footman scowled at Tia and then nodded. “Of course, ma’am.”
    â€œMa’am?” Tia swore softly. “I am most likely older than you and he would never deem it necessary to call me ma’am .”
    Lady Eldridge laughed. “In Society, it’s all about who you are and with whom you associate. Now that I have decided you and I shall be fast friends, he will have no choice but to treat you with the respect you deserve.”
    Tia almost laughed. Respect? Did she deserve respect from anyone after leaving her position as the wise woman for Middleton’s estate and then running off to London to save his brother? Most people would assume she was a strumpet for chasing after Jonathon. No one knew the truth of the matter of why she felt the need to follow him. It was purely for his safety. Not that she’d managed to find one sign of him yet.
    â€œI’m sorry, my lady—”
    Tia blinked. “Pardon me?”
    â€œYou will call me Emily,” she said as they ambled across the park.
    Tia had no idea what to say. From what she’d heard, Lady Eldridge’s request was most uncommon. Ladies in Society wanted to look down on the lower classes and the use of their titles was the easiest way to do so. “I couldn’t possibly call you by your Christian name.”
    â€œOf course you can. I decide who calls me Lady Eldridge and who calls me Emily.” Emily glanced to the ground. “I could use a friend in London. Like you, I’m from the country. I don’t have that many true friends and none in town. But I believe you and I shall be wonderful companions.”
    â€œI shan’t be here long enough for that to happen, my lady.” Tia bit down on her lower lip. She actually liked Emily and had felt an instant connection that warmed her heart. Back in the Midlands, her only real friends were her twin sister Mia and their mutual friend Selina.
    â€œAnd why not? I know it’s not the Season, but there are still many people in London who prefer to stay in town.”
    â€œLord Middleton has decided that we should return to the estate posthaste.”
    Emily laughed as they reached the street. “Middleton? He

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