place, looking for prescription drugs, alcohol, anything that can take the edge off. This is too fucking much. I can already hear their voices in the back of my head.
“It’s been over 12 hours Angel… I’m not strong enough for this. I’m not you, I can’t change my life. They all were right. I’m nothing but a white trash girl with no family that’s only good for sex.” I can feel tears in my eyes.
Angel is about to say something but I bolt out of the kitchen. I make it to the one door I didn’t get to see yesterday and slam it shut. Turning the lock on the door, I grab a chair and put it under the door handle so he can’t open it. I start pressing on the walls trying to find the door to his bathroom, when Angel stars slamming his shoulder into the door. Click. The door opens and his bathroom looks just like mine. I start opening cabinets throwing everything out all over the floor. Nothing, there’s nothing here. I find some cold medicine underneath the sink and as I’m opening the bottles Angel busts in and grabs them out of my hands. He turns the bottles upside down, empting them down the sink and runs the water cleaning the inside of the bottles.
“Nevaeh, stop, you’re better than this. You’re not trash nor are you just good for sex.” He screams at me so loud that I cringe back. It’s an automatic reaction. A memory resurfaces of fourteen year old me being yelled at.
It only fuels my anger with him. I wouldn’t be talking about feelings or looking psychotic if he didn’t flush my stash. “Look here buster, I don’t know who the hell you think you are but you have no idea who I am let alone what I am. If you didn’t flush my stash for the second time I wouldn’t be doing this stupid shit right now.” I’m completely flustered and my hands are waving around like they have a mind of their own. I snap my mouth shut fending off the desire to tell him off some more. I push past Angel, which was difficult since he almost took up the whole damn door frame, and make it through the door he busted down rather impressively. I then push open the door to my room and slam it shut. I’m pushing as hard as I can all over the wall in an attempt to locate the door to the bathroom. When the door finally opens, my momentum causes me to slide across the tiled floor. My body connects with the bottom of the toilet and my face makes the porcelain bowl’s acquaintance. I have a feeling me and this porcelain are going to be best friends for the next few days, if not weeks.
With my face resting on my folded hands, eyes closed, and dry heaves wreaking havoc through my body, I hear the faucet turn on. “Go away Angel. You are the last person I want to see right now, let alone see this shit.” I manage to finish before the next wave of puking commences.
“Here, put this on the back of your neck and take a sip of this water .” He says calmly, like all his anger has dissipated.
I take what he’s offering so he will leave but instead he sits down next to me. I scoot over so no part of us is touching because I’m puking my guts out and that’s just gross and I’m still pissed as hell at him and … well his touch does things that I don’t need to worry about right now. I lift up on my knees as the next round spews from my mouth. It’s a good thing my head is in the hole otherwise I would be cleaning up some rank puke.
As that round starts to wind down, I can feel Angel’s hand rubbing my back. I swat his hand, “Seriously dude, I don’t need a babysitter. I’ve already been here before and this is just going to get uglier so you can leave. Go call someone and go out on a date. Go watch a game, a movie, anything just get the heck out of HERE!”
He laughs, “I’m not going anywhere. I told you I’m here for you and that I’m not going anywhere. So suck it up and just deal with it.”
Ugh, I can hear the smugness in his voice and attempt to say something smart assed, when more chunks come up. What