Forbidden Love With a Thug III

Forbidden Love With a Thug III by Shvonne Latrice Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Forbidden Love With a Thug III by Shvonne Latrice Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shvonne Latrice
Tags: United States, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Genre Fiction, Urban, African American
didn't say anything about what happened for real.”
    “No, I pretended to not even know his brother was dead. I acted as if I was hearing it for the first time. He said someone told him that my boyfriend did it though.”
    “Good job, ma. Where did this shit happen? You weren't home, were you?” he furrowed his brows.
    “Nope! This was at school today, in the food court. He yanked me into some little hallway while I was waiting for my sandwich.”
    “I'm not too sure if he is anything to worry about, baby, but I will have someone keep an eye on him. Do you know his and Monty's last name or anything like that?”
    “No. I only knew Monty as Monty. He was a faithful customer of mine at Starzz, and that was it. He hired me for that party at the Westin that night, the one you shot up.”
    “Hmm, maybe we can get his information that way, I will see. But relax your nerves, aight? He ain't gon' do shit to you, baby, I promise. Have I ever let anything happen to you?”
    “No, you always save me or protect me.”
    “Aight then, so don't sweat it. This nigga ain't gonna do shit to you, and if I think he is, I will dead him like you asked. Cool?”
    Thank God for Kantwan Camren.
    Chapter Three: Elijah
    Kilexis and I decided to stop and get some food. It was the middle of the day, and since all we'd been doing was working and having meetings regarding the new club we were opening, we wanted to just chill and get some grub. We decided to stop at El Diablo Burritos in Trolley Square, and sit down just to relax our nerves and talk.
    “Feels good to talk about some shit other than work,” Kill chuckled and glanced out the window.
    “I know, man. Feels like the old days when we were just working the blocks and shit.” I nodded just as a waitress came to our table to take our order. This was a stand in line spot, but because we knew the girl, she went out of her way for us. After we put in everything, we waited until she walked away to resume our conversation. “So what's up with that Sophie girl?”
    “I pulled up on her ass and demanded that she show up for a DNA test. I wasn't fucking playing around with her ass at all. She really thought ignoring my texts was gonna do something. But get this, her nigga was there.”
    “Damn, and what the fuck did he have to say? That's grounds to get you killed. I wish I would find out my bitch got pregnant by another nigga, I'd kill all of their asses.”
    “I thought the same way until Margo got pregnant by that older cat. When that shit happened I was just over it. She wasn't worth any of that shit, and that's when I realized I ain't love her like I thought I did.”
    “That has to be it, because I can't see you keeping it pushing like that if it were Jersey,” I chuckled.
    “You damn right. I'd go insane if that shit happened with Jersey. But anyway, her nigga was perplexed because she'd been telling him he was the father so he was dumb confused.”
    “That's fucked up. Aye I know this is shady, but I'm glad as hell that you fucked her that night and not me, because she was almost mine. Remember?”
    “Yeah, I remember, and fuck you,” he laughed. “I should've just fucked Amelia's hoe ass and I wouldn't be in this shit.”
    “It ain't yours though, right Kill? I mean I know you strapped up.”
    Kilexis was never the reckless type, he was always careful. That's why it was a surprise when he got Jersey pregnant, but I knew he was feeling her way more than any of us knew, so he was probably in the moment. I just hoped that he was sure about Sophie and the fact that her baby wasn't his, because that would be all bad for more than one reason.
    “Yeah, I fucking strapped up, man, ain't no way I was running up in her with no cap. I mean, I didn't plan to with Jersey, but a nigga was in the damn moment and it happened, I don't regret it though,” he cheesed.
    “Maybe you were caught in the moment with Sophie too,” I said, and could barely get it out before

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